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setting up for success

Make real results happen.

Geraldine has over 10 years experience in education, working to meet the needs of a wide range of stakeholders. Don't waste time and money on ad-hoc shallow training. Geraldine will help you identify your goal and plan a way to get achieve it!

First Geraldine will work with you to help identify the measurable goals you need to achieve. Sometimes this means working through what it really means when we say "I want a high achieving team", or "I want to get a promotion".

Geraldine will customise a plan with you to achieve the goals. This saves your time and money being wasted on non-essential training or development. Together you will leverage the best opportunities to improve your practise and impress your stakeholders.

Moving through this planned process can come with unexpected hurdles that Geraldine will support you with. Regular authentic check-ins will provide you with the opportunity to give feedback and assess progress.

Why invest in professional development?

Signing up to a stand-alone course or training module can be convenient and simple. For a greater impact, planning how training relates to your goals and aspirations is crucial.

Whether you're aiming to enhance leadership skills, improve communication, or foster innovation, Geraldine has the expertise to design a program that meets your needs. We can customise your plan to target specific skill gaps to help you get that next job, or help your team reach that next milestone or become well-rounded professionals.

Level up your team

Want to take your team's performance to the next level? Geraldine specialises in identifying professional needs for individuals and for teams and creating strategic plans for the outcomes you need.

Measurable Results

Geraldine believes in delivering results. Her professional development services are designed to be practical and immediately applicable to the workplace. Geraldine plans for hands-on activities, case studies, and interactive exercises to enhance the learning experience.

A Customised Approach

You are unique. Your organisation is unique. Professional development should be based on the specific context of your sector or industry and your team members’ strengths. Geraldine works closely with you to develop a tailored professional development plan that aligns with your specific goals and objectives.

Invest in Your Future Today

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your team into high-performing individuals. Invest in optimising how you use your professional development budget with Geraldine. A customised approach, experienced trainers, flexible options, and measurable results set you apart from the rest.

Flexible Delivery Options

We understand that time is precious. Together you and Geraldine will plan delivery options for your learning needs. On-site training, virtual workshops, or a combination of both, we can accommodate your preferences.

Use Your Budget Wisely

Taking a strategic approach ensures you are investing in the right training at the right time.

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